Rabbi Cantor Michael Davis was born in the United Kingdom and grew up in Israel. He trained with the Chief Cantor of the Great Synagogue of Jerusalem and in leading rabbinical seminaries in Israel.
Rabbi Davis has served the Jewish community in Chicago since 1995. He founded Reform Cantors of Chicago (2009) and the Open Hillel Rabbinical Council (2014). He initiated and programmed the first three years of Yom Hashoah programming at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center.
Rabbi Davis is a globally recognized religious leader. In January 2016, he addressed other faith leaders at Old St. Pat’s Catholic Church in a vigil against violence. In December 2015, Rabbi Davis represented the Jewish community at the nation’s largest gathering of Muslims. His rabbinic advocacy for peace received the recognition and praise of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. He was a national clergy leader of the Hyatt workers campaign. He worked 2010–2013 on their behalf to secure a fair contract. He organized Jewish and Christian clergy to interview workers and meet with executives. His successful work was featured on the front cover of the Chicago Tribune Business Section.
Rabbi Cantor Davis has served on the faculty of the Hebrew Seminary in Skokie, training future rabbis in classic Hebrew and Aramaic text since 2009. He has served on the Certification Committee for the American Conference of Cantors in conjunction with the the Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music at Hebrew Union College. He has been a member of the South East Lake County Interfaith Clergy Association. Rabbi Davis established two cantorial pulpits, serving as the first full-time cantor of two Reform congregations in Highland Park, IL.
Rabbi Cantor Davis is married to Gilit, a high school career counselor. They are the proud parents of two girls and live in Evanston, Illinois. In his spare time he enjoys riding his bicycle along Chicago’s beautiful bike paths.
Rabbi Michael Davis was a seminary professor in Chicago for 13 years and currently teaches Arabic as a Jewish Language. For more information, please visit Rava Chicago (ravachicago.org).